To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
Return to glaze appointment
Service Description
Glaze your pottery after the bisque firing with the help of an artist instructor and learn about all of the pottery glazing options we have in the studio.
Cancellation Policy
Please use booking system to book Open Studio Hours. This helps me track the usage and also schedule staff if needed. If you CANNOT keep your booking, you must cancel it at least 8 hours before or it will still count as a booking and be deducted from your studio hours. If no one has booked or confirmed open studio at least 8 hours prior, the session will be cancelled if there are no attendees. *** Please arrive at the START time, if no one arrives by 15 minutes past without notification, the session will be cancelled.******** THE DOOR WILL BE LOCKED
Contact Details
85 Evergreen Way, South Windsor, CT, USA